On Saturday, March 30, we all woke up to the most fantastic weather – bright sunshine, a temperature of minus 3 degrees, and no wind. Completely in line with how I’ve behaved throughout the year 🤣🤣 It’s my birthday!

NOOOOOOT, it was windy, cold, whiteout, and totally disappointing.

Frederik and I were so “unfortunate” not to get a tent the night before, as chaos had erupted in their distribution. So, at 9:00 PM, we still hadn’t received a tent, and everyone else was beginning to go to bed 😨😨 It ended with us being “forced” to lay down on soft mattresses in the heated tent and spend the night there 😶😶 Bummer, we just say 🤣
Postponement Due to Weather
I woke up at 7:00 AM to the sound of the large tent rattling and swaying in the wind outside, and my first thought was, “Oh no, we have to face crappy weather.”

I got up and went over to have breakfast and start getting ready slowly. I could feel that the weather was affecting me, making me nervous in a strange way. Stomachache, no appetite, a bit down, and uncontrollable butterflies in my stomach. Thoughts of delays, no trails, and challenging gusts were not the most motivating to have in my mind.
As I entered the dining tent and met many of my fellow ACR participants, I sensed the same in them. Many had empty looks in their eyes, some had near-death expressions, others sat completely still staring into nothingness, and some pretended to be fresh and happy. A few vocalized what the rest of us were thinking, “I hope they cancel the race today.”
We ate breakfast side by side without saying much. And while we were sitting there, it was announced that the race start would be delayed by an hour so the snow groomers could make the trails. But we should all expect that the weather would likely distort the tracks. Oh no, we have to go out in that weather and ride on crappy trails. While we sat there waiting, my wonderful friends broke into a birthday song for me, “inuuissiortoq pilluarit.”

Day 2 – 32.2 km.
A little before 11:00 AM, we all stood ready on the starting line, shivering from the cold and nervous. Ahead of us, with a 100 km race, there were 32.2 km before we were back in the camp.

We were sent off at 11:00 AM. It was a crappy start, and in the first 10 km, I mostly wanted to stop. I had a hard time getting into gear and couldn’t catch up with Marie F, Nivi Geisler, and Anne Mette (who was always far enough ahead of me that it was almost impossible to catch them).
The route for the day was reversed from the previous day. First down to the drink station by the sea towards Sisimiut (3.5 km) and onto the long stage towards the bone breaker and back to the drink station (9 km). The first 10 km were terrible, and I hated it. I really tried to keep my head up and just ride. I was very frustrated that there were no trails and that visibility was so terrible. I managed to catch up with the three girls at the drink station after the bone breaker, but they managed to leave before I was ready again, aaargghh.
The thought of the bottleneck, up and down, the journey towards the lift, the downhill behind the lift, and the drive across the terrain to the camp, I could hardly bear. Fuuuck, what a crappy trip. But I didn’t let go of the girls; I could always see them, and suddenly our veteran Vittus Heilmann appeared. What?? Then I got a little more energy. I overtook Vittus just before the drink station below the bottleneck, and caught up with the girls at the start of the uphill. And suddenly I had unseen strength, and bang, I blasted up the mountain. (picture of Mik mik …)

It was so cool, and I was not tired at any time, had plenty of strength and energy.
I overtook a lot and could turn and ride down again without anyone near me or right behind me. But just at the moment when I wanted to ride down to the place where there was “Skiis off” (too steep and safety irresponsible to ride – about 400 m), the clouds turned a special color due to the sun (which was not out), so you couldn’t see contours or shapes at all. Everything was completely whiteout; I couldn’t see up or down. Aaaargh, and I was going down a hill.

I survived the stage down to the drink station again, filled my water bottle with new energy drink. I asked how far it was to the next drink station and was told it was 4 km. Great! It’s manageable… If only I could see something. From the drink station and halfway I drove without knowing where I was because there were no tracks, very deep snow, and no visibility. Fortunately, I could see the flags, but several times I doubted whether I was on the right side because the snow was so deep and there were no tracks. I drove completely alone and got a little scared at one point because the weather was insane.
But fortunately, a snowmobile came and made tracks, so I had something to relate to up to the lift.
When I reached the lift, I was told that I was number 2 and that there was only one ahead of me. Wooow, and I think Pavia. Quickly, I get a refill and hurry on. I remember that we had a pretty steep climb behind the ski lift the day before, and now that I couldn’t see contours, I felt a little nervous about the downhill when I reached the hill. Very uncertain, slow, and cautious, I make my way down the first downhills, praying to two people I’m sure are sitting and watching me from the sky, to take care of me and survive them, phheeew. 🙏 Thank you ❤️
I reach the bottom, and now I know there are only 4 km left until I’m in the camp, yay. I struggle through and across the terrain towards the last drink station, which is 1.8 km from the camp. I get a sip of water and am about to set off when I am overtaken by Ulrik Helimann, yay my buddy.
We finish hand in hand. It turns out it’s not Pavia who reached the finish before us, but a 160 km runner who had downgraded. This means that Ulrik and I were the first to finish, wuhuuuu.
Wonderful treatment in the camp

I get changed, get my toes fixed by the nurse, get a massage and am ready to eat. I sit in the food tent and am greeted by the loveliest family, the Lings, who bring me cake and a present. Aww you guys are amazing ❤️

Today’s angels
It is certainly first and foremost nurse Jørgen and physio Irene, but it is also absolutely the Lings family with their children, who were so thoughtful and sweet to bring cake and a gift. And then of course there is Frederik Lundblad, who had prepared the perfect skis for me again. THAAAANK YOOOU!

Have fun at camp. day 2

It takes time to write, so sorry folks, continuation will follow in part 3 in a few days, thanks for your attention.